Philadelphia International 2024

June 27, 2024 - July 01, 2024

Congratulations to Andy Woodward for winning the tournament and earning another GM norm!

Andy has previously fulfilled the requirements to receive his GM title.


Thank You to everyone for joining us in Philadelphia to be a part of this Super Swiss!

We hope to see you all again soon for the World Open!


Explanation of Float Symbols In FIDE Dutch Pairing System:

Colors due are shown on the pairing sheet using the following conventions: 

w = mildly due white (due white for alternation);

W = strongly due white (for equalization);

WW = due white to avoid three consecutive colors or other illegal imbalance. And similarly for players due black.



            Any player not playing the next round is required to inform the Tournament Director of this at least one hour before the next round.  If your game is still in progress one hour before the start of the next round, you are required to inform the Tournament Director no later than ten minutes after your game ends if you will not play the next round.

            Players who do not play the next round and fail to provide the required notice, as defined above, will be subject to a $100 fine in a FIDE-rated section, or a $50 fine in a non-FIDE-rated section.  These fines must be paid in order to participate in any future rounds of any CCA tournament.

            To allow for timely player withdrawals while still conforming with FIDE policies, pairings for the next round of FIDE-rated sections will not be posted until after the above deadline, for players to provide proper notice of their intention not to play the next round, has passed.



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Tournament Information: Sections, schedules, entry fees, prize funds, hotel info, etc.

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